Wageningen – Pantarijn

This regional community school includes all levels of the Dutch high school system: VMBO, HAVO, and VWO. The jointure of the different school was the starting point for this project plan. Even though the schools have been united, each school still has its own outdoor space. Naturally, each of these outdoor spaces are integrally linked. Furthermore, the schools will retain their original nature, as this is different for each of the schools. One school offers sporting facilities, whereas another school has incorporated special “practice gardens”. On the central square large “sitting edges” can be found, where it is nice for students to sit around and relax. It was important that the water storage from the roofs and hardening would be incorporated onsite. This was realized by creating infiltration zones in the area that is shaded by the new buildings and the existing trees. Because of this no valuable (playground) space was lost.